Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bush Goes Private to Spy on You

AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Bush Goes Private to Spy on You
Oh shit. This is for all those who are in denial that Bush/Cheney are moving us towards a police state. The New World Order is being setup right under our noses. This is a step towards that goal. BTW, if you wonder who "the man" is, it is the Bilderberg Group. It is an annual meeting of the global elite: politicians and business tycoons from all over the world. They decide EVERYTHING from the price of oil at given times to who the US president will be to what wars will be started. Politicians who attend this meeting are in direct violation of the Logan Act. These meetings are more highly secured than a foreign embassy. If you want a little more info, check out Alex Jones' movie EndGame. I think the only way they will ever be stopped is if there is a MASSIVE military coup here in the US with a general that isn't one of them and other uprisings all over the world. The reason I don't say an uprising here in the US is that the gov would use the military to squash it. So, the only uprising that would work is the military itself. Sucks, huh? But, maybe if a few million citizens were to march on Washington D.C. they might listen. But good luck on that happening. People here are sheep. Wake up sheeple!

Straw Diction – Straw Man’s Little Brother

IHS :: HNN :: Straw Diction – Straw Man’s Little Brother
This is a good article that continues the discussion of the misuse of theory and believe when religious people try to discredit science.