Friday, December 21, 2007


To say that our society as a world whole is being fucked like a two dollar whore, being fucked by a small number of financial and ruling elite, is putting it mildly. In fact, the two dollar whore should take offense. Why?
Well, what do xianity, 9/11, and the Federal Reserve all have in common? The answer is the same thing the Wizard of Oz had when he was behind the curtain creating smoke and mirrors: CONTROL.
I'll give you an example. If you have US currency in your possession, then you are owned. If you watch TV, you are owned. Alcohol, drugs, iPods, video games: they all serve one purpose for us today and that is to keep us sedate, happy, unaware, and uncaring about who is REALLY in control of our lives at this very moment. International bankers, politicians (from families with histories of power and corruption), and mega-business owners are the ones in control.
I know I'm not making any sense right now. I just watched a documentary called Zeitgeist. I've included it below. After watching it and thinking about what it showed, I am so pissed I can't organize my thoughts in an orderly fashion. All I can tell you is that there are some evil people in the governments and major businesses that control everything. History has repeated itself and is doing so as I write this.
First this documentary shows that xianity is simply another rehashing of the same astrological theology used over the past 5000 years. That's right, it's nothing but simple ATROLOGY given personifications. If you look at the actual ASTRONOMY, the ASTROLOGY part is easily explained. The documentary's explanation is too perfect so you'll have to watch it yourself. Don't worry, that's the first part of the movie.
There are two other sections in the movie dealing with false flag operations such as:
The Lusitania - Sunk on purpose to get us into WWI
Pearl Harbor - Purposely provoked to get us into WWII
Gulf of Tonkin Incident - Lie to get us into Vietnam
9/11 - by the US government to get support to get us into Afghanistan and Iraq.
The point to all of those was to make the big businesses more profits. The biggest business profiting is the Federal Reserve. It is a private bank corporation. It is NOT associated with the government in any way. It is explained beautifully in the movie.
Stop watching FOX news, CNN, NBC, etc because they only show what they are told. Look things up for yourself! QUESTION EVERYTHING!
Religion and patriotism are things to keep you under control! Be a human being and not a robot or eventually that is all we will be: robots composed of flesh. And if you think I'm nuts, just watch the damn documentary! It explains things much better than I do. If I could write well, I would have been an English or Journalism major!
So watch it! The worst that can happen is you waste 1 hour and 56 minutes of your life but have something new to discuss with people. The best that can happen is that you learn something. So watch it already!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Golden Compass Review

Ok, this book has an anti-religious slant and is written by an atheist.
So, the big deal being made by xians is that they say the book tries to indoctrinate kids towards disbelieving in deities.
How fucking hypocritical can you get?
What do xians think they do? From the moment a baby is born to xian parents, that is all they do. They indoctrinate the kid with xian ideas and nothing else. How is that any better?

A young blonde Icelandic woman's recent experience visiting the US -- Signs of the Times News

A young blonde Icelandic woman's recent experience visiting the US -- Signs of the Times News

So, since when does taking a longer vacation than on a visa constitute being shackled and chained and taken to jail and interrogated numerous times and fingerprinted and photographed and searched and treated like a dangerous criminal?

Tell me this is not a police state! Go on! Explain this kind of shit away! You can't! The comments in the article say it all.

AFP: Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US

AFP: Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US

Way to go Lakota!
I really am ashamed of being a white person on this continent. All I can say to the true native people is "I'm not like them!" and "I would have not taken your land, freedom, and lives!" A white man talking on this continent about freedom and respecting culture etc is one of the biggest hypocrites in history. Last time I read a history book, it was the white man who came here and set up camp then started claiming land(which was for everybody) for themselves and kicking the native people off of it then crowding them onto reservations after the european diseases wiped out huge numbers of people and then treating them as second class citizens even though we invaded their land, and it just goes on and on.

There is not much that can be done to reverse the damage to these beautiful cultures. The US government should issue a formal apology for starting our country on their land and do everything humanly possible to help spread their culture and native languages with the same enthusiasm that we used to destroy them. My punctuation in this is horrible! LOL! Now you know why I called the blog "RantingTimmy." I get so into these things that I just don't care. Oh well!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Santa disbeliever comic

The REAL reason for the holiday season(read PLEASE STOP)

It never fails: every year at this time I get a hundred emails and I see a hundred signs and ads telling me to remember the "true" reason for the season. Of course, all of those are xian. I wonder if they know they are telling me to remember the winter solstice or the multitude of other deities that people had hundreds or thousands of years before their jesus existed. But, that is what happens when people follow blindly as they are told and do not question what they are told. In case you are wondering, I am using lower-case letters on purpose for names of deities since they are of no significance to me.

Why do I even bother with this? Well, because I am constantly bombarded with religion day after day and am expected to accept it as fact and simply part of life. I care because that way of thinking affects my life. So, when I have a chance to disprove a part of that, I relish the experience. But, I hate the hypocrisy that everybody can bombard me with their xian beliefs in as many ways as they can, but if I simply state facts, then I am attacking their beliefs and am forcing my "beliefs"(read facts) upon them, yet I go through most of my days doing nothing about their open displays of delusion.

The first thing I wanted you to read is this explanation of archetypes. After you read this you should have a better background for exploring the other deities.

This first page is a simple chart comparing similar deities with jesus. This shows that jesus was not an original delusion, but a mutt of other deities. Most of those are centuries or thousands of years before jesus.

This second page gives more descriptions of those deities and their similarities to the jesus delusion.

Those religions as well as many others use the date of December 25 as a special date. Indeed, it is special as that date was used because it is around the time of the winter solstice. Most of our xmas traditions come from old celebrations of the winter solstice. There are two great pages that describe this here and here.

If you simply look at it, there are many explanations for the xian story. First, if you say that jesus was a real person or based on a real person, then you can explain the virgin birth pretty easily: Mary knew about the old traditions of virgin birth and was knocked up by Joseph before they got married. Fearing her family would kill her for premarital sex, she started telling people that she was knocked up by a spirit. I don't guess that anybody would've just checked to see if her hymen was intact while she was pregnant to prove her story. Doesn't that seem a little more logical? Now, if you think that the hypothesis that the entire new testament was written during the councils at Nicea, then this is simply a retelling of the same boring story told for thousands of years using different names and places. I personally think the latter is more logical.

Another reason to not believe the December 25th story is that IF YOU BOTHER TO READ THE BIBLE'S STORY, you would know that shepherds would NOT be out herding flocks at night during late December in the desert. Why? They would freeze! Their animals would freeze! It gets cold at night in the desert! So guess what? The more likely time for the story would be in the summer! Guess what else? December 25th was chosen by the church! There is not one single mention of December in the story!

So, these characteristics were attributed to other deities and reasons beginning 3,000 years BEFORE the jesus delusion existed.

So, if you must, keep your delusion. But please stop bombarding me with that delusion during this time of year.

Happy Winter Solstice!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Now THIS person can talk

Like the title says: THIS is a person who can talk.

Senator Chris Dodd

Senator Chris Dodd
If you have been sucked into the mainstream media's idea that the ONLY news is what they show, then you are missing out on your freedoms getting destroyed. Fortunately for us there is at least ONE senator with the moral conviction to tell the Bush administration to fuck off(not literally) and stand up for our rights. If you value your freedom from spying, go to and send the man an email and thank him for standing on the Senate floor for over 10 hours to protect our privacy and freedom from spying.

The story goes like this:
Two weeks after the Bush administration took office in 2001 they started planning a highly illegal wiretapping program through the phone and internet companies. When Qwest was asked to be a part of this, they said no. People found out about that and now there are 30+ lawsuits against the telecom companies for illegal spying which is a major violation in the Bill of Rights. So, IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE COMPANIES and NOT OUR FREEDOM, the Bush administration wanted the telecom companies granted retroactive immunity for their illegal spying. In the Constitution is clearly states that NO ex post facto law(retroactive immunity, in other words) shall be passed. So, what does the House and Senate do? They both introduce legislation in the FISA renewal bills to grant retroactive immunity to the telecom companies. Now, that is treason by the Bush administration and pretty much any elected official that introduces that clause or votes for it. But, who's counting? Anyway, republicans and democrats both passed it in the House(chickenshits) because they would have that negative press from the Bush administration and other republicans calling them soft of national security. So, the senate deals with it. Senator Chris Dodd stood up to protect our freedom and put a hold on the bill. Well, yesterday the DEMOCRAT leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, ignored that hold(illegal move?) and brought it to the floor to vote. Now, why a Democrat would bring this to the floor when another democrat has a hold on this is beyond me, but it happened anyway. Senator Dodd vowed to filibuster if that happened. Well, in order to protect our privacy and freedom from illegal spying, Senator Dodd came back from his presidential campaign tour in Iowa to Washington for the sole purpose of filibustering this vote. So, yesterday when it was Senator Dodd's time to talk, he gave his reasons and vowed not to yield the floor until the vote was canceled. That's what a filibuster is, for those that don't know; refusing to yield the floor until the others cry "uncle!" and do what you want. Well, 10+ hours later, Reid canceled the vote until Congress reconvenes next month. So, we all owe Senator Chris Dodd a HUGE "thank you!" I can't imagine standing there talking for 10+ hours straight. There were other senators that voted with him, but nobody else had the backbone to stand there for 10+ hours.
Thank you Senator Dodd!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Giuliani's Ten Commandments | Presscue

Giuliani's Ten Commandments | Presscue
Who the fuck would actually vote for this fascist?

The Raw Story | Dodd ready to mount filibuster to block telecom immunity

The Raw Story | Dodd ready to mount filibuster to block telecom immunity
Well, this speaks for itself. I have to give Dodd a nod :-)
Kick some ass Senator!

6 states defy law requiring ID cards -

6 states defy law requiring ID cards -
Holy shit! I thought there would be more resistance than that! This is a pretty simple concept. I keep talking about how we are moving towards a society like in the book 1984. I get a LOT of criticism for that. But I am telling you, the ONLY people that will criticize me over that are those that HAVE NOT read the book. Hell, if you watched the fucking movie you would understand. If you have read/seen the story, you would understand that we are moving that way. Read the book and then read the news. Scary shit ain't it? Ya know, if they want national ID cards, state or city ID cards, they might as well just tattoo a fucking number on our forearms like another unfortunate group(Jews in WWII). If you think I'm full of it, then tell me exactly what the difference is. Go on. I'm waiting...
It's the same fucking thing except one number is tattooed on your skin and the other is printed on a card. Either way those numbers/ID's are going to be kept in a database and used to track you. And if you have any other doubts about our road to a police state, just go to Wal-Mart, Stevie-B's Pizza, or the mall. You will be monitored in the parking lot by police in a portable watch tower. People might say "it's for our safety." Fuck that. If they were concerned for our safety, they would hire cops that weren't assholes and keep them on the ground and make them do their job PROPERLY. And what about those stores that want you to show your receipt? People say "just show it and not make a scene" or "it's easier to just show it rather than stand there and argue." Ok, shitwit. What if they started wanting to do pat-down's before you leave? There is not law allowing them to do that either. There is no law making you show your receipt. So why would you let them treat you like a criminal when you've done nothing wrong? Why let them invade your personal being when you've not been accused of a crime? Because it's easier than arguing? Because you don't want to cause a scene? Fuck that! There is no law requiring me to allow them to do any of that shit! How do they get away with it then? Because little pussy sheep let them! If we don't stand up for our most BASIC personal rights, what happens to our major freedom's when they try to restrict them? That is why this fucking country makes me so sick. We are supposed to be the fucking beacon of freedom for the entire world, yet we are less free then half of Europe! Our government makes law after law violating the Bill of Rights and we say nothing. We do nothing. We just say "just go along because it's easier than arguing or making a scene and it's for our safety." Ben Franklin, a founding father of this nation, put forth the idea that those who would sacrifice a little personal freedom for a little personal safety deserve neither freedom nor safety. I totally agree. If you believe the official government story for 9/11(BULLSHIT) then I think the best way to show them our resolve is to not change a thing. We should've just taken it, rebuilt, and kept on with our lives as they were. But, if they goal of a "terrorist" is to change society through violence or threats, then guess what: the "terrorists" have won. We are no longer a free nation. Since 9/11 our society has become a police state. They fucking won. Our government takes away freedom after freedom and says we're more free than ever! How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that? That's Orwell-ian doublespeak(term from 1984). So, this week's assignment, if you think I'm full of shit, is to read 1984. Then come back and prove me wrong.

Friday, December 14, 2007

AlterNet: Don't We Have a Constitution, Not a King?

AlterNet: Don't We Have a Constitution, Not a King?
The answer: King.
All hail King George I of America!

I hate to tell you people, but it is already too late. The people in power of this country have positioned themselves in such a way that no matter what the public does or wants, the people in power will have what they want anyway. Bush has done the EXACT SAME THING as Hitler did in Germany to become dictator.
Hitler: Set the Reichstag fire and blamed it on Polish jews. He had the governing body give him powers forbidden by their constitution to "protect the homeland." He used those powers to rule as supreme dictator, unchecked by the governing body of Germany.
Bush: I still say that the Bush administration executed 9/11. He then used 9/11 to blame radical muslims as a reason to go to the Middle East and start wars and get Congress to lay down like a $2 whore for whatever he wants and let him do whatever he wants to "protect the homeland." Through signing statements and executive orders(none of which does Congress have a say in) he has given himself dictatorial powers. If you don't believe me, Google his signing statements and executive orders and read them from the government websites themselves. It's all there in black and white. So, unless we get luck and he and Cheney both get impeached or he graciously allows the 2008 elections to continue and we elect Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich, we are all fucked like that same $2 whore. Now bend over and, no, you don't get any lube!

Norway is a great place. I wonder how difficult it is to learn Norwegian.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

World History With The Pope

So, atheists have been the cause of the most horrible acts in humanity huh? One thing this cartoon leaves out is that Hitler was catholic himself. There are pictures of priests giving the nazi salute in Hitler's presence. They blessed the insane motherfucker! But anyway...

This is not a fucking xian nation!!!

For fucks sake people, stop calling this toilet of a nation a xian nation!!! IT IS NOT!!! What got me on this today was this article. I love it to death when stupid ass xians start talking all kinds of shit about how this is a xian nation and how the nation's founding fathers were xian. I love proving them wrong and making them look like the delusional sheeple they are. There are a few facts they easily forget to check before orally defecating about this topic:
1. Check the first amendment to the constitution(taken from the National Archives:
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That says this nation does NOT endorse ANY religion. It as clear as can be.

2. Not all of the founders of this nation were xian. Thomas Jefferson was NOT a xian. He was a deist. BIG difference. A deist says that a deity made the universe but then left it to run on its own. No xianity in that at all.

3. The Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11 clearly states:

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Now, as that plainly states, this is NOT a xian nation. There is no Church of The United States of America. Many citizens may be xian, but the government is not. That treaty was signed by President Adams and ratified UNANIMOUSLY by the Senate. That's right, UNANIMOUSLY. Needless to say, that hasn't happened many times. Also, the full text of the treaty was published in many newspapers throughout the nation a there was no public bitching about it at all. So, at a time when xianity was as commonplace as breathing, the citizens of the country had no problem with it. Also, the Senate and President of the time had no problem with it.

4. In my opinion Abraham Lincoln was the best President this nation ever had. We could use another Lincoln. Most people in this nation would agree with that. But wait, he wasn't a xian either! That's right! The man who held this nation together and got it through the civil war and who freed the slaves was NOT a xian!

The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession.
-- Abraham Lincoln, quoted by Joseph Lewis in "Lincoln the Freethinker"

This shows his understanding of the hypocrisy of praying to a "just god" in war:

Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes his aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not that we be not judged.
-- Abraham Lincoln, sarcasm in his Second Innaugural Address (1865)

5. This is a great explanation of what xianity has done to this land. I'd love for the xians to spew some more oral defecation about this comment from the article linked to at the beginning of the rant:

They Are Wrong - This is a Native American Occupyed Nation
Posted by: tommy1957 on Dec 13, 2007 6:36 AM
Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
Hey you stinking white WASPs. Where do you get off declaring this sacred land a christian nation. You invaded this nation and stole the land from the Native Americans. Then you systematically destroyed it by over using it, polluting it and by posting your ugly faces all over it. Thanks to the christian invaders; we now can hardly breath the once clean air; drink the once clean water; and enjoy the once beautiful forrest that covered the land. Go home christians, back to Europe and the middle east. We don't want your stinking filthy kind here anymore. They and only they have the right to declare what religion the nation is; and as far as I know they won't be going with the invader's choice. You want to start a civil war, try to shove your christian crap down the throats of all Americans and I will personally cut your throat to watch you bleed to death.

Oh yeah. That comment was a good bitch-slap in the face of the delusional "moral majority" in this nation.
Well, that's about all I can think of to prove that this is NOT a xian nation. Oh, wait! There is the "principles" argument. Those who will agree that the founding fathers didn't make the government xian still say that the nation was founded on xian principles. What exactly are principles that are unique to xianity or were borrowed from xianity? I'm waiting...
Time's up! There ARE NONE! Those assholes should study history a little bit before making claims like that. There is no "xian principle" that was not used before xianity began. Not one. That's one of my main bitches with xians. Xianity does NOT have the monopoly on morality. I'll go into that in a separate rant. So, until next time,
Wake up sheeple!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Redesigned statue for the USA

Here's a new statue for the USA thanks to the Bush administration:

Monday, December 10, 2007

College coach salaries vs. college professor salaries

If ever there were a time to shout "not fair!" about salaries, this would be one of them. I could see seven figure salaries for pro coaches, but universities exist to educate, not provide sports. I don't even think coaches at universities should make six figures. Now, if anybody at a university deserves seven figure salaries, it is the deans and senior professors.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Damn Interesting � Beware the Dangers of Oxygen

Damn Interesting � Beware the Dangers of Oxygen
They're right! This IS damn interesting! No, it is not a joke. It is a serious article about how oxygen affects our bodies. If most of this is true, modern medicine needs to update many things.

Rolling Stone : An Open Question

If the U.S. doesn’t torture, why does it keep destroying tapes documenting its interrogations?
I mean, if you have nothing to hide...
And they can't use national security as an issue because they could play those for just the judges in trials.

Evidence Of Innocence Rejected at Guantanamo -

Evidence Of Innocence Rejected at Guantanamo -
Why the fuck is Bush still in office? This kid had 5 years of his life, that he will never get back, wasted in Gitmo even though it was proven that he was innocent of any wrongdoing. That is all thanks to the fucking insanity of Bush/Cheney. That kid needs to get his lawyer to go to the UN.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bush Goes Private to Spy on You

AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Bush Goes Private to Spy on You
Oh shit. This is for all those who are in denial that Bush/Cheney are moving us towards a police state. The New World Order is being setup right under our noses. This is a step towards that goal. BTW, if you wonder who "the man" is, it is the Bilderberg Group. It is an annual meeting of the global elite: politicians and business tycoons from all over the world. They decide EVERYTHING from the price of oil at given times to who the US president will be to what wars will be started. Politicians who attend this meeting are in direct violation of the Logan Act. These meetings are more highly secured than a foreign embassy. If you want a little more info, check out Alex Jones' movie EndGame. I think the only way they will ever be stopped is if there is a MASSIVE military coup here in the US with a general that isn't one of them and other uprisings all over the world. The reason I don't say an uprising here in the US is that the gov would use the military to squash it. So, the only uprising that would work is the military itself. Sucks, huh? But, maybe if a few million citizens were to march on Washington D.C. they might listen. But good luck on that happening. People here are sheep. Wake up sheeple!

Straw Diction – Straw Man’s Little Brother

IHS :: HNN :: Straw Diction – Straw Man’s Little Brother
This is a good article that continues the discussion of the misuse of theory and believe when religious people try to discredit science.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Congress Has a Way of Making Witnesses Speak: Its Own Jail - New York Times

Congress Has a Way of Making Witnesses Speak: Its Own Jail - New York Times
Okay, Congress can impeach and, as it turns out, imprison those who are in contempt of Congress. So, why is the president/vp still in office and why are the people they ordered not to cooperate in jail? Congress has lost that little thing we call a spine. It's either that or they are so fucking corrupt that they just don't care because they will probably still get reelected. What is the public to do? Well, anybody can start articles of impeachment. Now, whether or not it gets past the first person is another story. But at least it goes on record. You can find more about that at
The stupidity of all this bullshit makes my brain hurt.

Bush: "It's the sovereign right of Iran to have civilian nuclear power"

A Corporate Mediocracy: Bush: "It's the sovereign right of Iran to have civilian nuclear power"
Ok. The evil bastard admitted it himself. This goes to show that the mass media can NOT be trusted to present the truth.
The full transcript from the ABC News website
The statement is near the bottom of the page and IS in full context.
It is obvious that he simply wants to start another war! It's not about their nuclear program! He just wants more war!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How stupid is the DMCA?

It is this stupid.

Pro Libertate: The "New Police Professionalism": Serious Christians Need Not Apply

Pro Libertate: The "New Police Professionalism": Serious Christians Need Not Apply
While I am NOT sympathetic to x-ians getting canned for their moral fiber, I do hate injustice in any form. Of course, this is another case of a x-ian throwing in the persecuted x-ian card. However, despite that argument, this is really about this cop getting fired for doing his job. Literally. He was protecting and serving. Basically, this old frail man was smacking his woman around. So, the po-po show up to arrest him. Okay. This old man was going to his car carrying his keys and a cup of coffee. Ooooh, dangerous. Out of nowhere, this cop's partner tackles this old man and asks this cop to taser this old frail man, who was not resisting arrest in any way. Well, this cop wouldn't do it. It was not just against his moral fiber religiously, but also he was thinking about the US constitution, and THE DEPARTMENTS OWN REGULATIONS. That's right, he was following the rules of his own department! He didn't believe in excessive force! What a concept! Finally a cop that does the right thing and he gets fired for it! Cheers to the cop and a big 'FUCK YOU' to the police department he worked for!

Monday, December 3, 2007

The reason for the season

Ahhh, x-mas: that wonderful season of hypocrisy for most of the civilized world!
'Tis the season when most people give more to charities and act all sweet and caring. Then you go to the store and they fight you for that last have-to-have-for-the-kid toy and about run you over with their car on your way home all while shouting not-so-jolly four-letter words. Then they go home to their family and friends and talk and sing about the "real" reason for the season which is their beloved baby jesus. Well, fuck baby jesus! Why? Because the story of baby jesus isn't even original! That's right! The most beloved story in all of christianity isn't original! Here is one MAJOR reason: The Egyptian god Horus. The stories of Horus and jesus are almost identical and Horus' story was centuries before the supposed baby jesus existed!
----> Jesus as a reincarnation of Horus
----> Jesus as a reincarnation of Mithra
That's right! The stories of Jesus and the Persian deity Mithra are almost identical as well!
And if you count that the New Testament was ordered by Constantine, the odds for the x-mas story of baby jesus being true are slim and next to negative aleph-null.
Your baby jesus had nothing to do with December 25. Two other deities claimed it before him. Also, if you read your fucking bible, the circumstances described in the x-mas stories show that he would've been born in Summer and nowhere in the bible does it mention December or December 25. Throw that bible away or burn it. It's worthless!
So, seasons greetings and happy winter solstice!
So, I'll just stick with "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Winter Solstice!"

Texas Science Curriculum Director Canned for Mentioning Evolution | Wired Science from

Texas Science Curriculum Director Canned for Mentioning Evolution | Wired Science from
I am so sick of seeing this kind of article! I seriously don't get it. Do US republicans and religious folk want a second Dark Ages? Both types of people are actively trying to suppress science and reason! Guess what? Humans have already tried societies dominated by religion! What did it get us? The Dark Ages? It was a horrible period of stagnant thought and no science advancement. But, for some reason, those two kinds of people want to undo about 600 years of science and return to that point of ignorant bliss. Next thing you know they will be challenging the fact that the sun is the center of the solar system, the freezing point of water, or how babies are made! How far will they go? I really don't want to find out! Religion needs to die! It breeds nothing good! The best countries to live in, with regards to tolerance, public health, happiness, FREEDOM, etc., are the least religious or atheist. The countries that trail those are all religious. The more religious, the worse it is. Wake up sheeple!!!