Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The REAL reason for the holiday season(read PLEASE STOP)

It never fails: every year at this time I get a hundred emails and I see a hundred signs and ads telling me to remember the "true" reason for the season. Of course, all of those are xian. I wonder if they know they are telling me to remember the winter solstice or the multitude of other deities that people had hundreds or thousands of years before their jesus existed. But, that is what happens when people follow blindly as they are told and do not question what they are told. In case you are wondering, I am using lower-case letters on purpose for names of deities since they are of no significance to me.

Why do I even bother with this? Well, because I am constantly bombarded with religion day after day and am expected to accept it as fact and simply part of life. I care because that way of thinking affects my life. So, when I have a chance to disprove a part of that, I relish the experience. But, I hate the hypocrisy that everybody can bombard me with their xian beliefs in as many ways as they can, but if I simply state facts, then I am attacking their beliefs and am forcing my "beliefs"(read facts) upon them, yet I go through most of my days doing nothing about their open displays of delusion.

The first thing I wanted you to read is this explanation of archetypes. After you read this you should have a better background for exploring the other deities.

This first page is a simple chart comparing similar deities with jesus. This shows that jesus was not an original delusion, but a mutt of other deities. Most of those are centuries or thousands of years before jesus.

This second page gives more descriptions of those deities and their similarities to the jesus delusion.

Those religions as well as many others use the date of December 25 as a special date. Indeed, it is special as that date was used because it is around the time of the winter solstice. Most of our xmas traditions come from old celebrations of the winter solstice. There are two great pages that describe this here and here.

If you simply look at it, there are many explanations for the xian story. First, if you say that jesus was a real person or based on a real person, then you can explain the virgin birth pretty easily: Mary knew about the old traditions of virgin birth and was knocked up by Joseph before they got married. Fearing her family would kill her for premarital sex, she started telling people that she was knocked up by a spirit. I don't guess that anybody would've just checked to see if her hymen was intact while she was pregnant to prove her story. Doesn't that seem a little more logical? Now, if you think that the hypothesis that the entire new testament was written during the councils at Nicea, then this is simply a retelling of the same boring story told for thousands of years using different names and places. I personally think the latter is more logical.

Another reason to not believe the December 25th story is that IF YOU BOTHER TO READ THE BIBLE'S STORY, you would know that shepherds would NOT be out herding flocks at night during late December in the desert. Why? They would freeze! Their animals would freeze! It gets cold at night in the desert! So guess what? The more likely time for the story would be in the summer! Guess what else? December 25th was chosen by the church! There is not one single mention of December in the story!

So, these characteristics were attributed to other deities and reasons beginning 3,000 years BEFORE the jesus delusion existed.

So, if you must, keep your delusion. But please stop bombarding me with that delusion during this time of year.

Happy Winter Solstice!

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