Friday, April 18, 2008

This is simply disgusting!

This is fucking insane! If I were those parents, I would sue those assholes for teaching creationism in a science museum. It might as well be stealing their money. Those kids don't even know what the word creation means yet, probably! Kids need to learn facts at that age, not more fairy tales! I fear for the future of our world if we don't evolve past the need for religion... quickly. I mean, as it is children don't learn science in school anymore because the teachers have to spend all their time teaching the standardized tests, thanks to the No Child Left Behind Act. But, in reality, that leave every child behind... every other child in Europe, at least. Then, they want to compound the problem by using the 5 minutes the teachers devote to science per week into teaching fucking creationism? WTF?

We are so screwed...