Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd

Senator Chris Dodd
If you have been sucked into the mainstream media's idea that the ONLY news is what they show, then you are missing out on your freedoms getting destroyed. Fortunately for us there is at least ONE senator with the moral conviction to tell the Bush administration to fuck off(not literally) and stand up for our rights. If you value your freedom from spying, go to chrisdodd.com and send the man an email and thank him for standing on the Senate floor for over 10 hours to protect our privacy and freedom from spying.

The story goes like this:
Two weeks after the Bush administration took office in 2001 they started planning a highly illegal wiretapping program through the phone and internet companies. When Qwest was asked to be a part of this, they said no. People found out about that and now there are 30+ lawsuits against the telecom companies for illegal spying which is a major violation in the Bill of Rights. So, IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE COMPANIES and NOT OUR FREEDOM, the Bush administration wanted the telecom companies granted retroactive immunity for their illegal spying. In the Constitution is clearly states that NO ex post facto law(retroactive immunity, in other words) shall be passed. So, what does the House and Senate do? They both introduce legislation in the FISA renewal bills to grant retroactive immunity to the telecom companies. Now, that is treason by the Bush administration and pretty much any elected official that introduces that clause or votes for it. But, who's counting? Anyway, republicans and democrats both passed it in the House(chickenshits) because they would have that negative press from the Bush administration and other republicans calling them soft of national security. So, the senate deals with it. Senator Chris Dodd stood up to protect our freedom and put a hold on the bill. Well, yesterday the DEMOCRAT leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, ignored that hold(illegal move?) and brought it to the floor to vote. Now, why a Democrat would bring this to the floor when another democrat has a hold on this is beyond me, but it happened anyway. Senator Dodd vowed to filibuster if that happened. Well, in order to protect our privacy and freedom from illegal spying, Senator Dodd came back from his presidential campaign tour in Iowa to Washington for the sole purpose of filibustering this vote. So, yesterday when it was Senator Dodd's time to talk, he gave his reasons and vowed not to yield the floor until the vote was canceled. That's what a filibuster is, for those that don't know; refusing to yield the floor until the others cry "uncle!" and do what you want. Well, 10+ hours later, Reid canceled the vote until Congress reconvenes next month. So, we all owe Senator Chris Dodd a HUGE "thank you!" I can't imagine standing there talking for 10+ hours straight. There were other senators that voted with him, but nobody else had the backbone to stand there for 10+ hours.
Thank you Senator Dodd!

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