Monday, December 3, 2007

The reason for the season

Ahhh, x-mas: that wonderful season of hypocrisy for most of the civilized world!
'Tis the season when most people give more to charities and act all sweet and caring. Then you go to the store and they fight you for that last have-to-have-for-the-kid toy and about run you over with their car on your way home all while shouting not-so-jolly four-letter words. Then they go home to their family and friends and talk and sing about the "real" reason for the season which is their beloved baby jesus. Well, fuck baby jesus! Why? Because the story of baby jesus isn't even original! That's right! The most beloved story in all of christianity isn't original! Here is one MAJOR reason: The Egyptian god Horus. The stories of Horus and jesus are almost identical and Horus' story was centuries before the supposed baby jesus existed!
----> Jesus as a reincarnation of Horus
----> Jesus as a reincarnation of Mithra
That's right! The stories of Jesus and the Persian deity Mithra are almost identical as well!
And if you count that the New Testament was ordered by Constantine, the odds for the x-mas story of baby jesus being true are slim and next to negative aleph-null.
Your baby jesus had nothing to do with December 25. Two other deities claimed it before him. Also, if you read your fucking bible, the circumstances described in the x-mas stories show that he would've been born in Summer and nowhere in the bible does it mention December or December 25. Throw that bible away or burn it. It's worthless!
So, seasons greetings and happy winter solstice!
So, I'll just stick with "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Winter Solstice!"

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