Monday, December 17, 2007

6 states defy law requiring ID cards -

6 states defy law requiring ID cards -
Holy shit! I thought there would be more resistance than that! This is a pretty simple concept. I keep talking about how we are moving towards a society like in the book 1984. I get a LOT of criticism for that. But I am telling you, the ONLY people that will criticize me over that are those that HAVE NOT read the book. Hell, if you watched the fucking movie you would understand. If you have read/seen the story, you would understand that we are moving that way. Read the book and then read the news. Scary shit ain't it? Ya know, if they want national ID cards, state or city ID cards, they might as well just tattoo a fucking number on our forearms like another unfortunate group(Jews in WWII). If you think I'm full of it, then tell me exactly what the difference is. Go on. I'm waiting...
It's the same fucking thing except one number is tattooed on your skin and the other is printed on a card. Either way those numbers/ID's are going to be kept in a database and used to track you. And if you have any other doubts about our road to a police state, just go to Wal-Mart, Stevie-B's Pizza, or the mall. You will be monitored in the parking lot by police in a portable watch tower. People might say "it's for our safety." Fuck that. If they were concerned for our safety, they would hire cops that weren't assholes and keep them on the ground and make them do their job PROPERLY. And what about those stores that want you to show your receipt? People say "just show it and not make a scene" or "it's easier to just show it rather than stand there and argue." Ok, shitwit. What if they started wanting to do pat-down's before you leave? There is not law allowing them to do that either. There is no law making you show your receipt. So why would you let them treat you like a criminal when you've done nothing wrong? Why let them invade your personal being when you've not been accused of a crime? Because it's easier than arguing? Because you don't want to cause a scene? Fuck that! There is no law requiring me to allow them to do any of that shit! How do they get away with it then? Because little pussy sheep let them! If we don't stand up for our most BASIC personal rights, what happens to our major freedom's when they try to restrict them? That is why this fucking country makes me so sick. We are supposed to be the fucking beacon of freedom for the entire world, yet we are less free then half of Europe! Our government makes law after law violating the Bill of Rights and we say nothing. We do nothing. We just say "just go along because it's easier than arguing or making a scene and it's for our safety." Ben Franklin, a founding father of this nation, put forth the idea that those who would sacrifice a little personal freedom for a little personal safety deserve neither freedom nor safety. I totally agree. If you believe the official government story for 9/11(BULLSHIT) then I think the best way to show them our resolve is to not change a thing. We should've just taken it, rebuilt, and kept on with our lives as they were. But, if they goal of a "terrorist" is to change society through violence or threats, then guess what: the "terrorists" have won. We are no longer a free nation. Since 9/11 our society has become a police state. They fucking won. Our government takes away freedom after freedom and says we're more free than ever! How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that? That's Orwell-ian doublespeak(term from 1984). So, this week's assignment, if you think I'm full of shit, is to read 1984. Then come back and prove me wrong.

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