Friday, December 21, 2007


To say that our society as a world whole is being fucked like a two dollar whore, being fucked by a small number of financial and ruling elite, is putting it mildly. In fact, the two dollar whore should take offense. Why?
Well, what do xianity, 9/11, and the Federal Reserve all have in common? The answer is the same thing the Wizard of Oz had when he was behind the curtain creating smoke and mirrors: CONTROL.
I'll give you an example. If you have US currency in your possession, then you are owned. If you watch TV, you are owned. Alcohol, drugs, iPods, video games: they all serve one purpose for us today and that is to keep us sedate, happy, unaware, and uncaring about who is REALLY in control of our lives at this very moment. International bankers, politicians (from families with histories of power and corruption), and mega-business owners are the ones in control.
I know I'm not making any sense right now. I just watched a documentary called Zeitgeist. I've included it below. After watching it and thinking about what it showed, I am so pissed I can't organize my thoughts in an orderly fashion. All I can tell you is that there are some evil people in the governments and major businesses that control everything. History has repeated itself and is doing so as I write this.
First this documentary shows that xianity is simply another rehashing of the same astrological theology used over the past 5000 years. That's right, it's nothing but simple ATROLOGY given personifications. If you look at the actual ASTRONOMY, the ASTROLOGY part is easily explained. The documentary's explanation is too perfect so you'll have to watch it yourself. Don't worry, that's the first part of the movie.
There are two other sections in the movie dealing with false flag operations such as:
The Lusitania - Sunk on purpose to get us into WWI
Pearl Harbor - Purposely provoked to get us into WWII
Gulf of Tonkin Incident - Lie to get us into Vietnam
9/11 - by the US government to get support to get us into Afghanistan and Iraq.
The point to all of those was to make the big businesses more profits. The biggest business profiting is the Federal Reserve. It is a private bank corporation. It is NOT associated with the government in any way. It is explained beautifully in the movie.
Stop watching FOX news, CNN, NBC, etc because they only show what they are told. Look things up for yourself! QUESTION EVERYTHING!
Religion and patriotism are things to keep you under control! Be a human being and not a robot or eventually that is all we will be: robots composed of flesh. And if you think I'm nuts, just watch the damn documentary! It explains things much better than I do. If I could write well, I would have been an English or Journalism major!
So watch it! The worst that can happen is you waste 1 hour and 56 minutes of your life but have something new to discuss with people. The best that can happen is that you learn something. So watch it already!

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