Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Suicide Epidemic Among Veterans, A CBS News Investigation Uncovers A Suicide Rate For Veterans Twice That Of Other Americans - CBS News

Suicide Epidemic Among Veterans, A CBS News Investigation Uncovers A Suicide Rate For Veterans Twice That Of Other Americans - CBS News
Does this surprise anybody? They don't include all the suicides caused by this war in the body count. If they did, here's how it would look. The article says that there were at least 6,256 suicides in 2005 alone. Add that to the field body count of just under 4000 and that's 10,000+ dead right there. If you take those numbers as a guide for last year, the dead US soldier count is well over 15,000 due to this illegal war. Many soldiers return home so mentally fucked that they can't handle living anymore. We don't provide the proper care for them. This makes me so sick. I'm not into US soldier hero worship like the government or the religious right wants us to be. I don't think that someone that doesn't graduate high school or go to college deserves to be treated as some kind of hero simply because he joins the fucking army because that is the only way he will ever be able to provide for his family. I do not need to thank them for my freedom as many bumper stickers say. Our way of life hasn't seen a threat since Hitler in WW2. That was until Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and W, all were in office. All those people fucked us up more than we will ever know. Anyway, even though I don't think the high-school/college drop-out soldier deserves my thanks simply because he is stupid enough to join the Army and get his ass blown up in the middle of the fucking desert, I do think that if the government sends them to get shot at and blown up that we at least provide for their health care when they get back. They sign up to do what the dictator says and our part of the deal is that they get health care paid for by the government. So far we have not lived up to that end and that is why we have all of these suicides. Again, don't thank a soldier for your freedom. You are as free as you allow yourself to be. If you don't like where you are... MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE! I plan to do that if it gets any worse. I'm thinking Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary... somewhere the US gov doesn't target for takeover and the citizens have better rights(and can exercise them) and the government takes care of them.

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