Friday, January 4, 2008

Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Home

Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In
Well, I'll be damned! It appears to be that THE PEOPLE have a voice again! Now, I would much prefer Kucinich, but Obama has been my second choice. Since it appears that Kucinich isn't going to make a dent this year either, I will definitely vote for Obama. I still agree with him on about 80% of things, so that's close enough. One thing I do admire about him is his message of hope that he brings to people. He wants the people to have a voice again. He wants this to be a government OF, BY, and FOR the people again. I listened to his victory speech from Iowa and I thought it was simply wonderful. He brings a fresh image to the presidential race. He is a younger(read not middle aged) black candidate with a muslim name. I never thought that would happen. What makes me so comfortable with the idea of him as president is that he reminds me of those very rare bosses people have that project the image of "I don't consider myself your BOSS, I consider my position one where I work for you" which is WHAT THE PRESIDENT IS SUPPOSED TO BE. Like I said, he is younger than the other candidates, but he still seems wise in his positions on issues. He wants to restore the USA's image to where it once was: one of hope, unity, prosperity, and opportunity. He sees the evils that the Bush administration has done and how americans have lost all sense of trust in their government. Usually, in my very humble opinion, the best speakers win the election. Have you heard this guy speak? He's wonderful! His speech last night was one of hope. It was a very empowering speech. He wants to make this country better for the people and not the corporations. His speech was not "I will do this, that, and the other. Me me me me me me me." It was "I have heard what you want. Elect me and I will give you hope of a better country that is YOUR country. You have the power to change, I'll just be the instrument." That's the basics of what I got out of it, I guess. It's early in the morning so I might have not made sense there. Go to youtube and watch his speech. It's fan-fucking-tastic!

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