Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Car insurance sucks!

In my humble opinion, car insurance is legalized extortion. The state says that you must pay for car insurance to be able to drive your car. Well, what if you can't afford to pay for it? Are you not supposed to be able to drive to work? If you can't drive to work then you can't earn money to pay the car insurance. If you can't afford to pay the car insurance then you can't drive to work. WTF?
So, we are being FORCED to pay all this money every single month to these private corporations that give us no value for our money unless our car gets damaged. Even then they usually try to cheat you and not pay or they will only pay part of what they should fully pay. They screw us twice!
1. We must pay them to drive our cars and get no value for our money unless the car is damaged.
2. They usually try to cheat you out of what you pay them for.
Tell me again how we are better off with this law?

Health insurance is a totally different rant...

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