Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kucinich's Resolution Survives Tabling Attempt, Is Referred to Committee |

Kucinich's Resolution Survives Tabling Attempt, Is Referred to Committee |
I seriously didn't think that this would pass because, for whatever reason, the Democrat leaders are protecting an OBVIOUSLY criminal Pres/Vice Pres. They didn't want a debate on impeachment, because it would make a case for impeachment completely obvious. I seriously don't get it. Pelosi and the other Dem leaders are going to very great links to protect Bush/Cheney. What they don't seem to get it that by doing so, they are committing offenses which, for them, are impeachable. Violating their oath of office to PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution from all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC(i.e. Bush/Cheney). In this case, it is their Constitutional DUTY to impeach Bush/Cheney. Not impeaching them and voting Yea on bills that trample on the Constitution are impeachable offenses. But, until the citizens of this country get their heads out of their asses and grow some bollocks, politicians will never be really held accountable. Personally, I say screw this place. This country has become the poster child for the "seven deadly sins" from the judeo-christian bible. Let the evangelicals and religious fundies put this in their crack-pipe and smoke it. So, fuck this place. If I could immediately move where I wanted, I would move somewhere like Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, France, Hungary, or Romania. Countries like those fit my personality. For the most part, they all keep their nose out of other countries business. They take care of their citizens and educate them. They aren't obsessed with violence. They just live "smarter." That's the only word I can use to describe what I'm thinking.
You rock Kucinich!

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