Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Picasa Web Albums - abi - Iran - v30nzp.jpg

Picasa Web Albums - abi - Iran - v30nzp.jpg
This is the REAL Iran. This is that horrible place that so threatens our existence.
Seriously, this is what Bush/Cheney wants to bomb into oblivion. It should be a crime to even threaten to destroy a place of such natural beauty and thousands of years of history. And for those that think Iranians are just turbin-wearing Arabs. Think again. They are ethnically Aryan. That's right. They are white, just like white here in the US. So for those racist bigots that hate them for being Persian(THEY ARE NOT ARABS, THEY ARE PERSIAN), they are white. Just. Like. You. Here is the difference between Persians and Arabs:
Maz Jobrani

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